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Albemarle Point - Isabela

Galapagos Islands


Albemarle Point, locally known as Punta Albemarle, is located in the northern part of Isabela Island. It is the highest point on the island and the ruins of a radar base from World War II can be found here. Accessible only by panga, it is one of the most pristine spots in Galapagos, and you have the opportunity to see endangered and unique species here, like the Galapagos Flightless Cormorant and some of the largest marine iguanas. You can also admire here Pahoehoe lava flows, the way lava naturally solidified in a wavy form.

Difficulty: Easy

Disembarkation: No Landing

Interactions: Dinghy Ride

Highlights at Albemarle Point

  • Largest Marine Iguanas
  • Flightless Cormorant Colony


Brown Pelican, Darwin’s Finches, Flightless Cormorant, Galapagos Frigatebirds, Galapagos Fur Seal, Galapagos Green Turtle, Galapagos Land Iguana, Galapagos Lava Heron, Galapagos Lava Lizard, Galapagos Marine Iguana, Galapagos Mockingbird, Galapagos Petrel, Galapagos Sea Lion, Galapagos Shearwater, Great Blue Heron, Yellow-crowned Night Heron

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Bird Photography Tour: Ecuador Andean Choco & East Slope

Scheduled Group Departure 2023

Max group: 6 photographers!

Price: $3,600 USD

per person sharing double room
* Single supplement: $720


Tour details:

Length: 12 Days
Start / End city: Quito
Pace: Easy
Physical difficulty: Easy
Focus: Bird photography
Max group size: 6 photographers